Did you know that falls are the number one reason people head to the ER in Arizona hospitals? More than car accident, heart attacks, strokes,… Let’s change this – because the statistics show that people over the age of 65 who fall and are injured only have a 1:3 chance of regaining the mobility they had before the fall.
Top tips to prevent falls
- Let’s talk about problem areas you are finding in your home and we can suggest tools to make those areas safer. Tip – the bathroom is the most common area for a fall, closely followed by the bedroom.
- We can check your mobility devices to make sure they are sturdy, the brakes are working properly and they are fitted correctly for you.
- If you are not feeling balanced, we highly suggest talking to your physician about all your medications. Falling is NOT a normal part of aging.
- You may need to have your eye sight checked.
- Improve the lighting in your home.
- Consider what your are wearing on your feet – the weight of your shoes and soles can make a difference.
- Reduce the clutter.
- Regular exercises like TaiChi and Yoga have proven to be effective in increasing one’s balance.