We understand some mobility devices need attention to operate properly and to keep their owners safe. Screws needs to be tightened, brakes adjusted, batteries changed, and sometimes motors needs to be repaired. Our technicians are here to help in a timely manner, as we know not having a device in working order can impact someone’s quality of life. If you need an alternate device, while yours is being repaired, we do have rentals as an option.

We assess, repair and deep clean:
- Wheelchairs
- Transport chairs
- Knee Scooters
- Rollators
- Walkers
- Scooters
- Powerchairs

Tips to know:
- We are happy to tighten screws and brakes, as well as make adjustments on non-motorized devices complimentary in-store, as long as the adjustment takes 10 minutes or less. Please call before coming in to ensure we have a technican available.
- If your motorized device is not working properly, and you do not know what the problem is, an assessment fee will be charged to test it before any repair work can be done.
- If you’d like a quote for repair, it helps to have the manufacturer’s name of the device and a serial number – an assessment fee may apply.
- We can replace dry cell battery on most devices same day, but we do not carry all lithium battery in stock.
- If you are getting a motorized device checked, please remember to bring your charger in with you.
- As much as we’d like to repair all medical devices, we do not have access to all manufacturers and their parts. Also many devices sold online are made with no post purchase support. We will let you know before we do an assessment if we are able to get the parts to repair your device.